What does it Mean?

A million words… 
endless conversations…

A thousand messages…
pages of chats…

A hundred meetings… 
countless walks…

You surround me…
with baseless hopes…
empty promises…
that are meaningless…

All that you give me…
Until I know what I mean to you… 

Daily Prompt – Meaningless 


12 thoughts on “What does it Mean?

  1. Life is all about always lacking something. If indeed you have everything, your life wouldn’t have an interesting story of how you pursued something. Happy adventure.


    1. A nice perspective on life… will be sure to try and follow the philosophy 🙂
      mmm… in this poem I was trying to get at the lack of expression from one… the pains of tedious guesswork…


      1. my pleasure. a lot of beautiful and interesting capture had you make on your blog, its awesome! 🙂 keep sharing interesting moment around of you, i really enjoyed.
        greetings! 🙂


      2. aww thank you… that comment means a lot…
        i looked at all your posts and the moments captured in your photos are simply superb and the black and white touch gives it a new dimension…
        i look forward to seeing more posts from you 🙂


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